Shift | Wellness

Shift phone number 488-3739

Smoky Mountain SM and PT number is 828-550-3923 for information!

Shift your mindset about fitness!
Shift Wellness and Performance is happy to offer Bryson City and the surrounding area with a supervised fitness training gym, professionally designed exercise plans and state of the art exercise equipment!  We offer monthly memberships to individuals and families with options to meet your lifestyle and desires.

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Shift Wellness and Performance understands our economy is changing constantly.  We seek to provide quality advice, desired training and excellent equipment at affordable prices.  Our gym offers several options for you and your family to choose from to meet your budget and needs. 


Supervised Fitness Membership

Supervised fitness members have a licensed physical therapist do an assessment prior to beginning an exercise program. This assessment does not take the place of a physician assessment that is recommended prior to joining a fitness facility. After the assessment the therapist will take your goals, along with their observations, and design your beginning exercise program.

Every three months you will have another assessment progressing your plan to provide you with exercises that can help you achieve optimal strength, endurance and balance.  We look forward to coming alongside you in your journey to wellness and performance!



Individual memberships include access to all our gym facilities 24/7

Individual:  $42/ Month senior/ student $30/ month

Family:  $100/ Month for family of 4

Day Pass - $5

College Student Pricing With Valid ID

Class Passes

Members - $20/ Month for Unlimited Classes or $2/ Class to drop in

Non-Members - $40/ Month for Unlimited Classes or $5/ Class to drop in


Gym Facilites

Access to the gym includes; Cardio and Weight Training Machines, Lockers, Showers and Free Weights including 2 power racks with olympic bars, plate weights and dumb bells to complete your free weight routine. 

Personal Trainer on site:  Available by appointment.

We are happy to participate in Silver Sneakers and BCBS Silver and Fit programs. Check your eligibility with your health care provider.

We are happy to participate in Silver Sneakers and BCBS Silver and Fit programs. Check your eligibility with your health care provider.

Stay up to date with happenings, events and classes here at Shift!

Meet Our Team of Instructors and Therapists!
